Ross Perot backs Romney

Ross Perot said in his Tuesday op-ed that in the 2012 presidential race, at stake is “nothing less than our position in the world, our standard of living at home and our constitutional freedoms.”  He went further and said, “We can’t afford four more years in which debt mushrooms out of control, our government grows and our military is weakened.” In conjunction Continue reading

Who Are Frederick Douglass Republicans?

“I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.” –Frederick Douglass

So just who are Frederick Douglas Republicans and what are they all about?

This past Saturday I was with some 40+ others at an American Majority action event in West Chester Continue reading

Ohio Miners Call Obama TV Ads Absolute Lies

This is a big deal for Ohio and workers everywhere within our country. It is especially significant that this is coming out of Ohio because Ohio could very well determine the outcome of the election.

“We The People” nationwide and especially in Ohio need to do our part and vote to keep America free! Watch video


View another terrific synopsis of this story that includes pictures from the August 14th rally at the Ohio Liberty Coalition website – link.


Please help us get the word out on this story by sharing it on Facebook and other social media sites below. This is how together we can crush the liberal media!

American Sovereignty, Global Taxes and Black Helicopters!

It’s no big surprise the current United States foreign policy would reflect the world views of the President of the United States and that the Commander-in-Chief would want to export his own ideas about world improvement. Just what I believe those views are is what this particular editorial is about.
Free-market types urge freer markets. In stark Continue reading

Voter Participation Center | Register to Vote

Important! Make sure you’re registered to vote. Only 4-5 more days to git-r-done!

Voter Participation Center | Register to Vote.

E Pluribus Unum, In God We Trust and Liberty

E Pluribus Unum (Latin for “from many one”), In God We Trust, and Liberty can be found yet on the majority of our coinage.

In my mind I see these three pillars Continue reading

The only poll that matters is on election day!

Vote 2012

The majority of polls seem to be reflecting the mindset and ideology of Democrats and not of America as a whole. The latest poll that the majority of the media is touting is the recent CBS/New York Times poll. The current administration is lobbying pollsters to affect early voting because a pollster can weight a poll to a desired result. Some major pollsters are actually sampling Republican affiliation in the 20 to 30 percent range! These low levels (which haven’t been seen since the 1960’s) result in the perception of Obama being ahead. Continue reading